كتاب إعداد الخضار والفواكه Vegetables preparation & fruits - PDF

كتاب إعداد الخضار والفواكه
Book preparation of vegetables and fruits

كتاب إعداد الخضار والفواكه - Book preparation of vegetables and fruits هذا يمكنك من معرفة كيفية تنظيف وتجهيز الخضار والفواكه بجميع أنواعها وإتقان تشكيلها حسب متطلبات قوائم الأكل وفهم طرق فرز فواضل الخضار والفواكه بالتفصيل والصور.
كتاب إعداد الخضار والفواكه - Book preparation of vegetables and fruits عبارة عن ملف من نوع pdf باللغة العربية مجاني.

محتويات الكتاب :
1- Vegetable preparing
     - Trimming artichokes steps
        - Different steps for Artichoke Preparation
       - Preparing Artichokes For Stuffing
     - Trimming Asparagus
     - Trimming Broccoli
     - Trimming a Aubergine (Eggplant)
     - Cabbage and Broccoli
     - Peeling Carrots
     - Carrots and Parsnips
     - Prepare the ingredients
     - Preparing Corn‐on‐the‐cob
     - Preparing Cauliflower
     - Preparing Celeriac
     - Preparing Celery
     - Braise Chicory
     - Preparing a courgette or Zucchini
     - Preparing Fennel
     - Preparing cucumber
     - Preparing Green Beans And Mange tout
     - Preparing a Leeks
     - Preparing Dry Onion
     - Preparing Green, Red, Yellow Pepper
     - Preparing Red Radish
     - Preparing Red Cabbage
     - Preparing a Spinach Leaves
     - Preparing Spring Onion
     - Twice baked Sweet Potatoes
     - Preparing a Turnip
     - Preparing Tomato
     - Preparing Potatoes
2- fruits and vegetables garnish
     - Green Onion Curls
     - Radish Fans
     - Radish Rose
     - Vegetable Ties
     - To make carrot curl garnishes
     - To make carrot black‐eyed Susan flower garnishes
     - To make carrot daisy garnishes
     - To make carrot star garnishes
     - To make cucumber ribbon garnishes
     - To make cucumber twist garnishes
     - To make zucchini flower garnishes
     - To make hard cooked egg chicken garnishes
     - To make bell pepper ring garnishes
     - Bell Pepper Cup
     - To make bell pepper basket garnishes
     - To make bell pepper triangle garnishes
     - To make a watermelon bowl garnish
     - Watermelon Basket
     - Pineapple Boats
     - Candied Citrus Peel
     - Citrus Knots
     - Citrus Loops
     - Scored Citrus Slices
     - To make strawberry fan garnishes
     - To make cherry flower garnishes
     - Sugared Fruit
     - Sugared Flowers
     - Lemon and Lime Butterflies
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